News & Blog
December 6, 2023

8 Reasons Mountain Mike’s Pizza Was Named Top Franchise for Veterans

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Armed forces veterans may find several compelling reasons to consider franchising and self-employment as the “What’s Next” part of their post-military career. Here are 8 reasons Mountain Mike’s was named “Top Franchise for Veterans” by Entrepreneur.

  1. Proven systems.  This solid structure can be familiar to veterans who are accustomed to following dedicated procedures and protocols in the military.
  2. Training and Support: Mountain Mike’s Pizza offers veterans comprehensive training and ongoing support which can be particularly beneficial for veterans who may be transitioning into civilian life and may lack business experience.
  3. Leadership Skills: Veterans often possess strong leadership and teamwork skills, which are essential in running a successful business and working with a franchisor. Mountain Mike’s Pizza offers veterans the opportunity to leverage and continue to develop leadership skills.
  4. Discipline and Work Ethic: The military instills discipline and a strong work ethic in its members. These qualities can translate well into the demands of running Mountain Mike’s PIzza, where hard work, dedication, and attention to detail are rewarded with repeat customers.
  5. Risk Mitigation: Franchisees are more successful with Mountain Mike’s Pizza than those who try to open an independent pizzeria from scratch, especially those who are new to food service and hospitality.
  6. Brand Recognition: Mountain Mike’s Pizza is an established brand with a strong customer following. This can be advantageous for veterans as they immediately benefit from our reputation and customer base.
  7. Networking with Other Franchisees: Mountain Mike’s Pizza has an army (or navy, air force, or marines…have to cover our bases here) of successful franchisees who are valuable for advice, collaboration, and support.
  8. Community and Teamwork: Mountain Mike’s Pizza franchisees are part of our brand community and good corporate citizens of their local communities.

While Mountain Mike’s Pizza, like any career and investment vehicle, isn’t for everyone, many veterans find we align with their skills, interests, and financial capabilities.  

If you would like to learn more about owning a franchise, click here to download our free franchise information package